Roffy: Lalaok installasaun Windows 7 (cara install windows 7)

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Lalaok installasaun Windows 7 (cara install windows 7)

1. BIOS lai booting komputer ba  setting  DVD
2. Hatama DVD windows 7 ba CD ROOM
3. Hanehan kualker tobol bain hira boot from cd or dvd mos

4. No ita sei hare gambar ida hanesan iha kraik ne’e sei mosu
5. Hili kualker Language, time, currency, and location maibe language tetum seidauk ih nebe’e ita bo’ot bele hili language ida nebe’e ita bo’ot komprende klik Next
6. klik iha install now
7. Hein oitoan lai prosesu ida ne’e
8. Hili I accept the license terms Depois klik next

9. Tamba ita halo hela clean install Nebe’e hili deit custom (advanced) Atu driver nebe’e ita atu install windows 7 ba
10. HILI Driver C Depois Klik Next
11. Hein prosesu ida ne’e

12. NO Otomaticamente windows sei restart rasik deit
 13. Bain hira restart hotu sei mosu gambar ida hanesan kraik ne’e
14. Hein Prosesu Setting up the services iha minute balun deit
 15. prosesu instalasaun sei lao otomatikamente
16. hatama User name no Komputer name tuir ita bo’ot nia hakarak depois klik next
 17. karik presisa tau password entaun hakerek d8 dala 2 ka lapresisa ntwn lalika tau mos diak depois klik next
18. Hatama product key serial number windows 7 nebe iha depois klik next

19 Hili level proteksaun seguransa husi Microsoft

20. Hadia oras tuir ita boot nia hakarak (untuk Indonesia +7 dari GMT) depois klik next
21. Parabens, ita bo’ot nia windows 7 pronto ona atu uj

Huff,, prosesu instalasaun windows 7 hotu ona, lapresisatan loriba ema teknik para lakon tan osan heheheh…...Beik sa…!!!
semoga ida ne’e bele ajuda maluk sira, e karik lakomprende bele koment iha krai ne’e hw pronto atu ajuda O….. missss allllllllll byeeeeeeeee

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Roffy Lopez